Rug Pad PF21 IvoryRug Rug

  • $69.00

A rug pad with a 10 year guarantee. Will retain non-slip properties, with proper care. Rug pads hold rugs in place, helping prevent bunching & slipping. Rug pads protect the rug’s weave, extending the life of the rug, and protecting your investment. Rug pads provide extra padding, increasing comfort, insulation, and sound proofing in the home. Superior quality polyester fabric coated with a high-grade vinyl compound provides super gripping power to keep rugs securely in place. Provides superior, ultra-thick cushioning to prevent pile crush & extend rug life. Cut with household scissors to perfectly fit your rug!Fire-retardant & moth-proofed. Open weave allows ventilation for vacuuming & moisture evaporation. Will not stain or discolor any type of floor. For use with hard surface flooring. Hand-washable in warm soapy water, lay flat to dry. All sizes are approximate. Use size represents standard rug range. Firm Grip pad can be cut with household scissors to custom fit your rug.

Machine Woven

United States

100%  Polyester Fabric Coated In Vinyl